We are re-inventing Scouting and Exploring programs in Chicago and need your help. Four Chicagoland area councils merged together to form the Pathway to Adventure Council. We are taking a new direction with Scouting and Exploring here by emphasizing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) related merit badges and activities. We are trying to help encourage and develop the interest and talent to build the STEM workforce of tomorrow.
We are seeking 300 volunteers and are looking for 10 volunteers from 30 different firms to take part in our new and innovative Trading Tech 300 initiative.
We are asking interested companies to participate in the Trading Tech 300 initiative by simply planning and executing a Trading Tech 300 day in their offices during 2015 prior to the LaSalle Street After Hours Affair in November. Firms and the volunteers that impact the most number of Scouts and Explorers will be recognized at the LaSalle event in November.
We want you and your colleagues to compete with the other 29 firms and plan and execute the best Trading Tech 300 program to attract and teach the most number of young women and men in the field of trading technologies.
There are activities you can hold for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Scouts (boys and girls) and Explorer units (young women and men). There are new STEM Nova Awards that can be earned by each as well.
The Boy Scouts of America and Exploring have a long history of STEM related activities, including a commitment to the environment, numerous astronauts who were Scouts and today over 10,000 STEM awards have been awarded to Scouts in PTAC in the last year..
Have you ever heard of Paul Siple? He was an Eagle Scout who accompanied Admiral Byrd to Antarctica as part of a BSA program in 1928. He went on to become an expert on Antarctica, and designed cold weather gear for soldiers in Korea, and is credited with the development of the wind chill scale. Five geographic features in Antarctica are named on his behalf.
We are asking for you to help in taking the next step to create interest in STEM careers to keep the U.S. and the trading industry competitive in the world’s marketplace.
Promoting STEM Education is Important
Mish Malyshev of Teza Technologies wrote this article last summer: http://www.sbnonline.com/article/misha-malyshev-supporting-stem-education-industry-good-business/
He laid out the reasons promoting STEM is an important economic issue for the United States.
Additionally, it is an important national security issue. Over 50% of the aircraft flown by the U.S. military today are done from behind a desk.
Tell your firm’s contact that you are interested in the program. Some volunteers may need to become registered Adult Volunteers with the Boy Scouts of America and/or our Exploring program. We will support you in training you to work with Scouts and Explorers. We will come right to your offices and train you and your colleagues. You can be a Merit Badge Counselor, a STEM Nova Counselor,STEM Super Nova Mentor or an Exploring Advisor.
You get to choose the program you want to offer, to which Scout or Exploring group; Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers and Explorers. You get to choose what badges you want to be a counselor for -one that you have personal or professional interest in. You and your firm get to choose what date you want to hold your Trading Tech 300 day in your offices and we will promote your event
You can make a difference in the lives of young people in Chicago and give them a better vision and path for their future and help keep kids off of the streets. You can help change lives and develop the future workforce needed here in Chicago and in our industry.
Please contact us today at Nancy.Elder@Scouting.org and volunteer today!