Elmhurst Girls Exploring Club Opens Up the World of Boy Scouts
Elmhurst, IL -- A new Scouting unit in Elmhurst will encourage girls to learn and practice the same outdoor and leadership skills taught in the Boy Scout program. It is the first group for 6th through 8th grade girls of its kind in the city.
The G.O. Exploring Club #1 boasts six founding members who are all middle-school aged girls. G.O. Exploring, or Girls Outdoor Exploring is a pilot program housed under the co-ed Exploring division of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA.)
The program encourages outdoor exploration and prepares girls to join the BSA’s co-ed, high adventure program called Venturing when they turn 14.
The young women in this club are learning valuable skills such as overnight camping, first aid, and emergency response. The program also promotes participatory citizenship, community service, and career exploration and preparation.
“We wanted to give girls the same opportunities for outdoor adventure and learning as the boys,” said John Lothian, a volunteer adult leader with the club and a former Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 117, which is based out of Christ United Methodist Church.
“The Exploring club allows us to open up the world of Scouting to girls with the same trained leaders and program,” Lothian said. “We also wanted to welcome a steady pool of girls to help grow our local Venturing program and the club experience helps prepare them for the rigors of high adventure.”
Many of the six G.O. Exploring Club girls are also Girl Scouts, and some of the club activities will help them in their work toward their Girl Scout achievement levels.
The club is based out of the Christ United Methodist Church, and includes girls from all of Elmhurst. In addition to Lothian, leaders also include Vanessa Clohessy and Germaine Yang.
G.O. Exploring Club #1 welcomes new members. Contact John Lothian at lothian.john@gmail.com for details.