Friday, October 15, 2010

A Message From Tim Lothian

A Message from Tim Lothian
Dear John Lothian Newsletter Readers:

Hello!  My name is Tim Lothian.  You might know me, but if you don't, you should.  I am a sophomore at York High School in Elmhurst, IL.  I am in the Scholastic Bowl Club at school and am active at my church.  My dad is the guy who writes this newsletter.  But more importantly, I am a Boy Scout in Troop 117 out of Elmhurst. 

I am nearly a Life Scout and am the Troop Guide.  If you are familiar with Boy Scouts, then you probably know why I am here.  But if you're not, don't feel bad.  We're almost to the part where I tell you.

During this part of the year, the scouts always sell popcorn.  So I am asking if you would by popcorn from me.  It helps me pay for trips and equipment, it helps my troop pay for things and go on better trips and campouts, and it helps my council make everything happen.  Even if you don't like popcorn, you can buy some for your friends, your family, or for at work.  If you don't want popcorn, you can still donate money.

It will help a lot.  Now, I am going to keep asking for money, believe it or not.  As I said earlier, I am active in my church, particularly our youth group.  In a few weeks we will be partaking in "Sleep Out Saturday," where we sleep outside in tents and boxes to raise money to help homeless people.  So now I am asking you to donate money for the homeless.  None of this money goes to me, 100% goes to helping the homeless.  So please help out a great cause.

Thank you for your time,

Tim Lothian

*** If you would like to buy popcorn from Tim, you can buy online at , or if you are in Chicago, you can order from John Lothian and he will personally deliver it.  For the complete product list, go to

*** If you want to donate money to support "Sleep Out Saturday" and Tim's fund-raising efforts for it, you contact John Lothian ( and I will get you the details on where to send a check.

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