Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jonathan Lenchard Warren Eagle Scout Project

Jonathan Lenchard Warren Eagle Scout Project

Dear Mr. Lothian,

I am 15 years old and a Life Scout in Hinsdale (Illinois) Boy Scout Troop 8, working on my eagle project. I know that you are a big supporter of Boy Scouts because my mom, who has worked in the financial industry for many years, has passed along your newsletters to me that mention you and your son’s participation in scouting. I am writing you as a way of reaching people in the financial industry who live in Hinsdale. Due to the recent storms, many of the American flags that are flown in downtown Hinsdale were destroyed. Those that were not destroyed are in terrible condition. My Eagle Project, sponsored by the Hinsdale Chamber of Commerce, is to replace the old flags (with mildew resistant new flags) and sturdier new poles, and construct a new storage locker for the flags. I will also have a flag retirement ceremony for all of the old flags.

Hinsdale is planning events in remembrance of September 11, so I need to work fast on my fundraising since the new American flags, which have arrived “on credit,” will be flown for the September 11th remembrance. I am talking to the local newspapers and local businesses and I have been collecting donations at Hinsdale events. People have been very generous, but I have not yet reached my goal of replacing all 200 flags and purchasing all the building materials, so I need to get the word out in different ways.

I know your newsletter reaches a lot of people who work in the financial industry and live in Hinsdale, so I am hoping you will help me quickly get my message of fundraising out there. I would really appreciate your help.

For $50 anyone can sponsor an American Flag that will be flown in Hinsdale for a special Ceremony for the 10th Anniversary of September 11th. There will be a special September 11th Ribbon attached to the Flag; after the ceremony you will receive the ribbon and a certificate if you give us your address information. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

You do not have to live in Hinsdale to contribute, any American can contribute!

If anyone is interested in helping replace these torn and old American Flags flown in downtown Hinsdale, please send a check made out to Hinsdale Boy Scout Troop 8 and mail to the Hinsdale Chamber of Commerce, 22 E First Street, Hinsdale, IL 60521. If you want the September 11th ribbon, please send your check as soon as possible , we need to receive it by September 8th. If you just want to contribute, you can send your check during the month of September. If you have any questions, you can email me at or call the Hinsdale Chamber of Commerce at 630-323-3952.

Thank you, Mr. Lothian for any help you can give me in getting the word out about my fundraising for my Eagle Project. And thank you to future contributors for helping our American Flags fly proudly!

Jonathan Lenchard Warren

Life Scout - Hinsdale Boy Scout Troop 8

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